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Guest Announcement: Briana Lawrence & Jessica Walsh

April 3, 2024


Nakama - please welcome Briana Lawrence and Jessica Walsh to Naka-Kon 2024!

Over 20 years ago Briana Lawrence and Jessica Walsh (Snow) were two fanfiction writing ladies who geeked out over Gundam Wing boys and Resident Evil. Now? They’re still geeks and still have their fandoms, but they’re also a married couple who write books, wear nerdy outfits and do their best to keep their three butt-head cats in line. They’re failing. Send help.

When going to conventions, Briana and Snow always bring their best. You can get lost in their books—or heck—you can come by for a selfie and fun conversations about anime, ships, or video games. Use caution, because if you start a conversation about "Tears of the Kingdom" or the criminally underrated "Kids on the Slope" they may not let you leave!


  • Arda Wigs